Edgington Studio

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Teamwork in Action

Wheeling’s National Road.

During our formative years, schools have a litany of lessons they seek to impart to each one of us: respect yourself, respect others, always do your best, so on and so forth. While many are self-evident, one in particular might have more to it than meets the eye. You might recall it via its most commonly-used turn of phrase: "There's no 'I' in team!" Yes, teamwork, the notion that we can go much further together than we can apart, and a popular topic at many business seminars. However, it is often painted from a self-serving "I help you now so you can help me later" perspective, a pessimistic take on what can (and should) be so much more than that. We hold that teamwork is not merely a simple exchange or investment: it is a philosophy, and transcends the simple quid pro quo of daily life.

When we founded Edgington Studio, we were extremely fortunate to have people who believed in our potential at the very beginning: the kind proprietors of The Jeweled Bird, the generous owners of Washington Book Distributors, the sharp eye of Rouse Video Productions, the thoughtful owner of Family Medical Supply, as well as family, friends, and Wheeling supporters who not only wished us well but actively aided us in getting the word out about who we are and what we do via social media and networking with their friends. We appreciate this help immensely, and we noticed one key element among our supporters: they were excited for us. They did not pull out a calculator to determine return on investment, nor ask us for special offers when we opened up. Instead, they wished us well, offered useful suggestions on growing our business, and made sure we felt welcome in Wheeling. This is the true face of teamwork: selflessly supporting others because it feels great to contribute to something that will ultimately benefit the entire community. From the welcome gift of flowers to the beautiful revamped flooring of our studio, we have been made to feel at home here on Edgington Lane, a home we are lucky to share with such excellent neighbors.

Much like gift-giving, there is an innate feeling we get when we help others, that drive to do good in the world around us and be a positive force for change. An essential element of this is that feeling it gives of being part of a team, a connected group of individuals striving to make things a little better every day. We consider ourselves lucky to be a part of the "Wheeling team", and will be sure to give just as warm a welcome to newcomers in the days to come as others were to us in our humble beginnings.