With Flying Colors: How the Colors of Our Clothes Make All the Difference


(Photo Credit: engin akyurt on Unsplash)


From the very earliest experiences in our lives, we are exposed to the rich abundance of colors in the world. Whether it’s the deepest ocean blue or the spiciest fiery red, the colors we choose to wear reflect our personality and send messages to the people we interact with. Today we’ll be diving deeper into the color choices we make, what they say about us, and how they make others feel. Who knows, the passage that follows might even give you new insight into your own personality! Without further ado, let’s explore the rainbow and get to know our shades better.

1) Pink/Peach

The color pink conveys youthfulness, femininity, and an easy-going nature., which makes it a great wardrobe option if you’re looking to make new friends since softer hues like this one make you seem approachable. Darker pinks can be flirty too, so be sure to mind the message your particular shade is sending. The calming power of light pink is so strong that it is often used as a wall color to lighten the mood in areas of high tension, like hospitals. So whether you’re looking for a buddy, a husband, or you merely enjoy having a calming influence on those around you, pink is definitely a solid option!

2) Red

On the other hand, if you’re in a more aggressive mood, red is the clear choice. It’s the premier selection when it comes to seduction and passion; there’s a reason everything around Valentine’s Day sports this assertive hue! This color tells others you stand your ground and conveys both strength and energy, with a tendency to both impress and intimidate. In fact, studies have shown that men are more attracted to women wearing it, so try it on for size (if that’s your goal). If that weren’t enough, it has also been shown that red lights enhance gambling behavior in casinos, so risk is the name of the game with this fiery hue. All this being said, the degree of red in your ensemble can play up or play down these features: a red accent conveys a playful streak, while an all-red outfit tells everyone you mean business. Tread carefully!

3) Orange

Orange is a little flamboyant in its presentation, though it is still worth considering as a wardrobe option. This warm color conveys warmth, happiness, and energy, all great features that make the wearer stand out; this is also why so many brands feature orange as a color in their logos and advertising, as it helps them to be memorable to the viewer long after the image itself has departed. This has a downside, however: orange is very bright and not at all subtle, so it should be used with prudence, particularly for those with lighter skin tones as it can clash in some cases. After all, it’s used in emergency signs and construction warnings in order to convey the need for caution, so you should approach large amounts of orange with the same restraint!

4) Yellow

If you like “fun in the sun”, yellow is absolutely your color! Happiness and sunlight are the order of the day for wearers of yellow, and it has the added bonus of increasing attention and concentration (a great help to all the advertising it is used in!) The serotonin rush we get when exposed to yellow is to thank for that happiness, so science agrees: make yellow a part of your wardrobe today!

5) Green

Is there a more nature-oriented color than green? We don’t think so! Green brings a sense of renewal and positivity, important qualities to convey to people you are meeting for the first time. While it might not be so today, green was the primary bridal color in ancient times as it represented fertility, so its history of symbolizing life itself is not a new concept by any stretch of the imagination. On top of all that, green conveys environmental conscientiousness, friendliness, and even intelligence. While using too much of it is more reminiscent of St. Patrick’s Day, in small amounts it speaks volumes to anyone who sees you sporting that emerald hue!

6) Blue

Blue has a lot going on, and several factors make it one of the most popular colors of all. For those looking at their next career move, blue is an excellent option, as it conveys confidence, responsibility, and reliability. It calms those who view it and can even make you seem more intelligent while wearing it. One final feature of this jack-of-all-trades color is how quickly it helps you build trust; this is one of the reasons large brands tend to use at least some blue (or even all blue) in their logos and branding. For these reasons and more, blue should be a central part of everyone’s wardrobe.

7) Violet/Purple

Most people are aware of purple’s historical relationship with royalty, though why was this the case? The short answer is economics: the manufacturing process for purple dye was extremely costly in ancient times, so only those with the means to pay for these expensive dyes could enjoy them. While purple dye is much easier to come by these days, the color still conveys both luxury and sophistication. For those wishing to make the scene, purple is a worthy addition to any outfit, though like orange and red it may be overkill to make it the central focus of an outfit. Be royal, but beware!

8) White

White has a history of representing simplicity and innocence, and is excellent to wear on bright days since it reflects light well; all of these make it ideal for wedding gowns, conveying both purity and peacefulness. White can also convey cleanliness, which is why it is often used in hospital settings. In all colors, however, it pays to be mindful of cultural and regional differences in terms of color interpretation: while white represents life in western cultures, it symbolizes death in many Asian countries and is reserved for funeral attire there. So if you get invited to a wedding in Japan, think twice before you plan your ensemble!

9) Black

Black can convey many things, though the primary message it sends is: “I mean business”. From suits to evening gowns to graduation attire, black is not a color to be trifled with. With its omnipresence in formal events, the business world, and funerals, those who wear black know that is makes them seem sophisticated and refined. Working it into your outfits will help others take you seriously and remind everyone who is really in charge.

10) Gray

For those who seek balance and neutrality, gray is the way to go. While it may not be flashy, it does convey maturity and a calm disposition, both of which are great features for job applicants (or in-laws!). If you want others to see you as a person of self-control and not a party animal, gray is hard to beat in its ability to fashionably avoid the limelight while still looking classy.

We hope you enjoyed our review of the major colors and the many characteristics they convey to others. While many of these “rules” are quite flexible and depend in large part on how much of a particular color you choose to utilize in any given outfit, they are still solid starting points to consider. No matter whether you’re applying for jobs, meeting new people, going out on a date, or showing respect to hosts, we hope these guidelines serve you well and inspire you to take your fashion game to the next level. Finally, don’t forget: it’s okay to make your favorite color a major feature of your outfits; after all, this helps to build your “personal brand”, and will help people remember you long after your meetings with them have passed. May the color wheel guide your path!


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